Monday, 21 March 2016

Women in the Workforce and The Quiet Revolution

Women in the Workforce and The Quiet Revolution

During the period of World War 2 and the depression (1930-1945), more and more women were pushed into the work force than ever before. Due to the increase in male soldiers needed for the war, women had to take over the work load. This allowed women who had never worked before to experience freedom and the opportunity to make their own living through wages and salary. This both improved working conditions for women, encouraged a high level of women's participation in labour and overcame some racial prejudices against non-white women workers. By the end of World War 2, more women were working than ever before.

Following the end of World War 2, and the return of male soldiers, many women enjoyed the work they had been doing and felt that the freedom they experienced and this new ability of earning a living for themselves was something they wanted to continue. Following this more and more women found themselves attending colleges and grad schools to get a better education in order to start their own career. In the 1970's, also known as the 'Quiet Revolution' even more women began attending colleges and grad schools, many of which began to expand into the fields of medicine, law, dentistry and business. As described by Claudia Goldin, "the 'Quiet Revolution' is called such because it was not a 'big bang' revolution; rather, it happened and is continuing to happen gradually."  

In conclusion, I feel that World War 2/The Depression era as well as the 'Quiet Revolution' have a great impact on the status of women today, specifically on women in the workplace. Through the war many women were able to get a taste of freedom and independence through working while the men were away at war, this continued on the create the 'Quiet Revolution' which inspired women to get better education and find their own careers in life, something which is highly continued today. 

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